Support Your Local Pubs
Pubs and breweries are a crucial part of British communities, especially here in Oxford. Yet, even though they are a vital cornerstone of our social lives, many pubs have been on the brink of collapse for some time. Unfortunately, the global COVID-19 pandemic has only exacerbated such pressure.
That's why Long Live The Local is here to support the great pubs and breweries that are integral to our lives by pressing to reform three taxes:
πΊ An extension in the current lower level of VAT for food and beverages sold in pubs with a view to making this permanent
πΊ An overall reduction in beer duty and alcohol duty reforms that support British pubs and beer as a lower strength product
πΊ Lower business rates for pubs equitable to other similar businesses
Reforming these taxes will help give pubs a bit more breathing space financially, allowing them to remain open and flourish for you, their valuable customer. You can read more about the reasons for reform here.
Scroll down to sign the petition!